Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Don’t Say It ! Top Ten Lines A Woman Would Never, i Repeat NEVER Want To Hear From Her Man

In the ever-complicated world of the man-woman relationship, there are a few ‘unwritten’ rules which need to be followed. Men should learn that when they say the absolute wrong thing, or they may just find themselves sleeping on the couch the whole night through.

Here’s a list of the top ten lines that a man should NEVER say to a woman:

10. “What did you do to your hair ?”
This is a statement which just goes to show how clueless some men are sometimes. Even if a new hairstyle or haircut does not particularly flatter us, we just want you to notice that we’ve gone to a lot of trouble for that new hairstyle. A stylist did it, it was expensive, and we felt great leaving the salon. Just tell us that you like our new haircut. End of story!

9. “They both look the same to me.”
Okay, it is a fact that women are more obsessive than men when it comes to picking outfits, or silverware, or moving a piece of furniture from one side of the living room to another. You probably couldn’t care less -but we want you to have at least an input about what you think so that you would’ve contributed something.
Ecru and beige may look the same -but they’re not. Tell us what you think, and pick one. Even if we end up not following your advice anyway.

8. “Do you really need another pair of shoes?”
The same thing applies to bags -or clothes. It may seem like an obsession, but women need to look good and keep up with the latest trends. So just go with the flow even if you don’t understand the logic behind it -and never tell us that we don’t need a new pair of shoes.

7. “Is it the time of the month?”
Emotional outbursts or not, it’s just plain rude for guys to immediately assume that just because a woman is acting a certain way -that it’s the time of the month. PMS leads us to ache in certain places that men may not know about, or have food cravings -but it’s not always the reason behind how we act.

6. “Do you really think you should be eating that?”
If you don’t want to get the “I can’t believe you just said that” stare, this is something that you should never say even when she’s gobbling up that pastry that she said she’ll never eat again.

5. “You’re acting just like __.”
Telling us that we’re acting just like our mom, your mom or worse -your ex-girlfriend is definitely a no-no. Do you want us to think that we remind you of your ex, which you shouldn’t even mention in the first place? And telling us that we’re acting like your mom or our mom?
That’s just plain wrong..!

4. “You didn’t tell me that you have a cute/hot girlfriend.”
No matter how secure you think women are about themselves, it’s always shaken up by the time that you notice or mention in passing -even jokingly -how hot you think one of our friends are. We wouldn’t trust you to be around them, either.

3. “It’s really up to you.”
Even when it seems to be a pretty insignificant matter -we want you involved in the decision making process. Telling us that it’s up to us just sends a message that you don’t care.

2. “I love you.”
These three big words should not be uttered during a fight -even if you look at the magic words as a last resort to end the discussion immediately and jump to the make-up sex.

1. “Relax!”
Even when you can clearly see that we’re freaking out about something, telling us to relax means that you think we’re being crazy and unreasonable. Even if we are -the word “Relax” will just further stoke the fire of our anger - do you see where I’m going with this? =p

So, if you want to keep your head out of the water -learning these 10 lines that you should never say to your wife or girlfriend will help tilt the odds in your favor.

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